Ready for Spring? Here's How to Keep Your Engagement Ring Safe

Your engagement ring is the most beautiful piece that resonates with your style and personality preferences while spring might be the ideal time to wear your ring, you need to keep certain risk factors in mind.


Certain things can cause your wedding rings in Fort Worth, TX to chip, break, or get lost. So, if you are looking to keep your ring safe and even pass it down as an heirloom piece in years to come, keep some of these things in mind.




When it comes to gardening, you need to be careful about your women’s wedding rings in Fort Worth, TX.


Certain factors like gripping garden tools, wearing gloves and even getting soil all over your ring can either dull the shine of the gemstone or may also cause pressure on the setting causing the gemstone to come loose and fall out.


Always remove your ring and keep it safely away before gardening or handling any tools.




You may love to go swimming but your gold jewelry in Chicago, IL doesn’t. Swimming in pools can cause the chlorine to react with your ring and even hot tubs can discolor both the gemstone and the band.


When swimming in the ocean, the cold water can cause your ring to shrink, come off your finger and slip away forever. Saltwater can also corrode certain metals and gemstones and the sand can play havoc on your bands.


In Conclusion

Avoid wearing your ring while handling bleach, cleaners, household detergents, and abrasives as they can be extremely damaging to your ring and erode both the gemstone and the metal band. Also remember to always store your ring in a cool, dark place away from other jewelry so that it doesn’t get scratched or ruined.



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